Chapter 3: Virginia, or Mike.


She loomed over our childhood like a masked villain. This unknown woman who had raised our mother - and who hurt her deeply. This was the biggest blindspot in my understanding of our family history, and one I was very eager to explore.

So I spoke to my Aunt Julie, the only of her 4 siblings that is still alive, and someone I never got to know growing up. She opened up with me about old wounds and decades-old misunderstandings, and gave me back this piece of my own history.

Listen to the full episode here:

Episode 3 music credits

  • Don’t Ruin my High, VAULTZ

  • Downwind Instrumental Lincoln Davis

  • Lost in Time, Caleb Etheridge

Thanks to Scott Esmond for the final edit and polish on this episode.


Chapter 4: The Shadow of my Drunk Father


Chapter 2: The O’Shaughnessys of Queen Anne